Throughout the whole process of deciding on school, moving back to Arizona, being in school and now graduating without a job, we know that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. There has never been a doubt that this is where we needed to be. Before coming to Thunderbird, we prayed and felt good about the decision and even though we didn't know how the economy was going to end up, Heavenly Father did. So, even now, without a job, there are no doubts.
The great thing is that we've come by this faith through many other past experiences. Deciding to serve a mission, where to go to school, if Seth/Becky was the right one to marry, moving to Toronto, etc... All of these decisions came from prayer and while they might not have been easy, we know we are much happier than we would have otherwise been. We've been able to have so many wonderful experiences that we would not have had without exercising faith in our Father in Heaven.
We are so excited for our friends that have found jobs. We know that we'll find a job too -- Heavenly Father will answer our prayers; in His own time and in His own way.
It's hard to believe how FAST the time has gone, but also funny to think how slow it felt at times too! Colton was only 13 months when we moved here and had just started walking - now he's almost three and won't slow down!
The graduation ceremony was great (but also really long - glad we left Colton with a babysitter). We took some pics beforehand so that we could have Colton in them.
My boys! (Aren't they adorable?)
Traeger Family 2009
Unfortunately, I took the pictures of Seth at graduation (I should never be in charge of pictures!) so here's the ones that sort of turned out.
From L to R: Ann, Ron, Hank, Carrie, Sheryl, Elva, Ken and Karl Thanks guys for coming out to support Seth!
To start the ceremony they had the "Parade of International Flags" featuring 35 nations - Each flag was carried by a graduating student from that nation who then introduced their country.
Our friend, Petko, carrying the Bulgarian flag
I already warned you that my picture taking abilities are greatly lacking... well, I didn't even see Seth as he walked by during the processional, so I had to run up the aisle and try again!
This was my 2nd attempt!
By the time they got to calling the names I realized my best chance of catching something memorable was to use the video feature. Here is Seth's name being called and accepting his diploma (also got Dawson in there too!).
If you watch the video, you'll see Seth "tapping elbows" with the school's president. He asked that the students do this because of Swine Flu fears.
The family with the graduate!
With our friends, the Webster's. This was the only pic we got of friends after the ceremony. Thanks Wendy for sending this to us - of course our's did not turn out as nicely! :)
Graduation ended a little after 5 and by 7:30 we were out the door to the Global Gala for all of the graduates.
Don't we look like we should be going to Homecoming? Ha Ha
With Petko and Nellie
Just say No! ha ha - Petko wanted Seth to try a cigar - not gonna happen :)
Finally they let us take a nice picture!
We had a great time at the Global Gala but we were exhausted so we came home at 10:30. Aren't we the party animals?
With graduation, comes Goodbyes and the first of many were the Websters. They packed up and moved out only 2 days after graduation! (Wendy I don't know how you did it?!) Xander and Colton became great friends over the last (almost) 2 years and even 3 weeks later he still wants to go to "Xando's house"
Trying to "hide" in Xander's car - I have a feeling they wouldn't be able to get too far without realizing that Colton was in their car!
Goodbye Xander, Eliza, Wendy and Ben! We miss you guys already!
I get a lot of questions about what I do... It's the greatest job, but I have a hard time explaining. So, here are a few different articles that explain it much better than me.